The future of Europe

To build the common house

Edificare la casa comune

EN | IT – On April 21, 1954, exactly 60 years ago, Alcide De Gasperi – one of the fathers of the European Community together with Robert Schuman and Konrad Adenauer – made a speech to the European Parliamentary Conference gathered in Paris. We propose here its final part, whose topical character is evident.

A Parachute for the Economy

Un paracadute per l’economia

EN | IT – A good news is the launch by the European Parliament (now expiring its mandate) of the second leg of the banking union, the one concerning the rescue of European banks. The issue is extremely unpopular, because it involves one of the least popular institutions of the continent (the banks) and the inextricable connection with the sovereign risk of the individual countries (which condemns to a greater weakness the banks of the States which are considered less reliable), but eventually an agreement has been found.

A “new deal” after the crisis

Un "new deal" dopo la crisi

EN | IT – A special plan “for sustainable development and employment, which would boost the European economy and help create new jobs”. It’s the “new deal” that many European federalist movements, trade unions, civil society organizations, mayors of important European cities and intellectuals are asking for with the European Citizens’ Initiative called “New Deal 4 Europe” (

The lack of children

La mancanza dei figli

EN | IT – Thirty years ago, to celebrate the Year of the Family, Pope John Paul II wrote a Letter to Families. The Pope stressed that the family is “the way of the Church” and that “the future of humanity passes by way of the family”. He was also well aware that today, also in Europe, it is very difficult for families to fulfil their tasks properly.