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With the eyes of refugees

Avec les yeux des réfugiés

FR | EN | IT – According to the latest data released by Eurostat, in year 2013 the asylum applicants registered in the EU 28 nations were 435,000. They were 335,000 in year 2012. 65% of these applications was rejected. Only 15% of applicants were granted refugee status: about 50,000 people who are new European citizens in all respects. What kind of Europe will the refugees meet, get to know and live?
Since his opening in 2003, the Maison des journalistes (MDJ) in Paris, a place unique in the world, which houses exiled journalists, has welcomed 273 journalists from over 50 nations in the world.

Why it is necessary

Pourquoi est nécessaire

EN | FR | IT – Basic professional journalism requires to seek, check and spread information. A Christian journalist will add to this: questioning what this same information tells us from mankind in its alliance with its Creator. Of course not explicitly as spelled out here. Christian journalism comes out in the way of selecting information, the respect in which any person is portrayed, the willingness to keep far-sighted and the ability to point out things that lied there but yet had somehow never been highlighted. A Christian journalist believes in the capacity to change, forgive and trust…

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